Răspuns :
Is there much work to be done?
Are there many coins in the drawer?
Se foloseste,,much" pentru a arata cantitatea in cazul substantivelor care nu se numara(gold,silver,sugar,rice.)
Se foloseste,, many" in cazul substantivelor care se numara(au plural:man, men)
Are there many coins in the drawer?
Se foloseste,,much" pentru a arata cantitatea in cazul substantivelor care nu se numara(gold,silver,sugar,rice.)
Se foloseste,, many" in cazul substantivelor care se numara(au plural:man, men)
"Much". Mother goes much . Mama merge mult.
Dad goes very much. Tata merge foarte mult.
"Many". It has many clothes . El are multe haine .
They go on many. Ei merg pe multe drumuri.