va rog să mă ajuți am nevoie de propoziții cu aceste cuvinte din rog ajutați mă

to break off:
When they talked,suddenly were breaking off by somebody.
Cand ei vorbeau,deodata au fost intrerupti de cineva.
to break with:
I broke with my ex-friend yesterday.
Ieri,eu m-am departat sufleteste de fosta mea prietena.
to break up:
They broke up after the dinner.
Ei s-au despartit dupa cina.
to break into:
The thieves broke into the bank last night.
Hotii au intrat prin efractie in banca noaptea trecuta.
to come across:
When I was outside,I came across with my Math teacher.
Cand eram afara,eu m-am intalnit cu profesoara mea de matematica.
to come in:
My grand-parents let me come in their house.
Bunicii meu m-au lasat sa intru in casa lor.
to come out:
He came out after the the earthquake of 1900 .
El a devenit cunoscut dupa cutremurul din 1900.