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Va rog ajutatima la tradus acest text am nevoie de el dau test din el :(

Au inceput sa vopseasca dar au vazut ca peretii erau prea uzi. In timp ce asteptau ca peretii sa se usuce Ana si.a amintit ca avea de dat un telefon. Petru a început sa vopsească in timp ce Ana vorbea la telefon si a zugrăvit un perete intreg pana sa intors Ana. El mormaia ca tot timpul are de dat telefoane de da. Ana i.a zis in schimb ca el tot timpul se plânge de catre ceva. Au lucrat in liniște o perioadă. Imediat ce au început al treilea perete a sunat soneria la ușă. Era un prieten de a lui Petru care dorea sa afle daca Petru dorea sa joace fotbal in week-endul următor. A stat de vorbă cu Petru pe hol, in timp ce Ana continua sa vopseasca.
Intr.un final a plecat.

Răspuns :

They began to paint but saw that the walls were too wet. While waiting for the walls to dry Ana remembered that have made a phone call. Peter began to paint while Ana was on the phone and an entire wall painted by Ana returned. He grunted as always has to give phone calls. Ana said instead that he always complains to something. They worked in silence for a while. Once started the third wall to the door bell rang. He was a friend of Peter who wanted to know if Peter wanted to play football next weekend. He spoke to Peter in the hallway, while Ana continues to paint. Eventually he left.