Exercise adapted to the new circumstances:
Rephrase the following sentences using the word given on the right in a phrase (do NOT change the word):
1. For fear of Covid – 19 most people stay indoors nowadays.
It is …………………………………………………………… to go out nowadays. COMMON
2. Come on, let’s face it, it is not that bad to stay at home (instead of going to school!)
Indeed, you’ll ……………………………………………………….. at home. DIFFICULTY
3. He was surprised to be discovered as infected with Corona virus. (God forbid it!)
The discovery ……………………………………………………. surprise to him. CAME
4. The benefits of Coronavirus: it’s all the same to me if I work in my study or lying in bed with my laptop on my knees.
It …………………………………………………………. where I am working. DIFFERENCE
5. We were convinced by Raed Arafat to stay indoors if we don’t want to get infected with Corona virus.
Raed Arafat ………………………………………………………………….. indoors in order to be safe. TALKED
6. The press keeps informing us how to protect ourselves against Corona virus infection.
We ……………………….………… how to protect ourselves against Corona virus infection. INFORMED
7. It makes no sense to complain about the restrictions imposed by the authorities.
Nobody ……………………………. complaint about the restrictions imposed by the authorities. ANY
8. It would be absolutely insane to borrow somebody’s protective mask.
It would be crazy to ………………………………………………… you his/her protective mask. ASK
1. You need to understand perfectly the given sentence. Look up any unknown word you come across (Covid, maybe ?).
2. Think of a phrase (I remind you “phrase” means “expresie”) carrying the meaning of the given sentence.
3. Use the same tense and aspect (Indefinite, Continuous (the one with “BE + -ING form of the verb) or Perfective (the one with HAVE + THE 3RD FORM of the verb)) in your variant.