The chosen one
Dreams are are the only place you can make the weirdest thing ever. One night I dreamed about me lost in the forest. Suddenly a wizard came to me and took me to his place. I was starving so he gave me some food to eat. Then he looked at me, suddenly he said I was the chosen one to beat the dragon since I had a birth sign of a sword in a head of a dragon. I didn't know about that. Anyway he trained me to be a great knight and to beat the dragon. Months have passed,and I was ready. I went to the cave the dragon was in and I fought with him. He almost killed me with his fire power. But I jumped,and killed him with a sword in the head. The wizard congratulated me and I got a prize,it was a chest with many gold and other precious stuff in it. And then *poof* I woke up. The best dream ever I could ever imagine!