Răspuns :
1.The children go to find water for The family.
2.Sanii îs two hours late because he îs goes for water for his family.
3.Badjeba îs some Times fall asleep during class because she îs to tired
4.Because în Africa îs some Times raining and its hard to find water
1. Who often goes to get water for a family?
The children are often sent to get water for the family.
2Why is Sanii often two hours late for school?
Sanii is two hours late because he has to get water first, then go to school
3. Why does Badjeba some times fall asleep in lessons?
She gets up very early to get water that’s why she is often too exhausted and fells asleep during lessons.
4. Why do families send children to get water when it makes them late for school?
Their families send them to get because they have no running water at home and water is more important - water is life.