froger is npt at home now. Ask and answer about Froger's new bedroom.

Is there a pillow in the Froger's bedroom ?
Yes, there is
Are there toys in the Froger's bedroom ?
No, there aren't
Are there books in the Froger's bedroom ?
Yes, there are
Is there a desk in the Froger's bedroom ?
Yes, there is
Is there a computer in the Froger's bedroom ?
Yes, there is
Is there a clock in the Froger's bedroom ?
No,there isn't
Are there chairs in the Froger's bedroom ?
Yes, there is
Is there a TV in the Froger's bedroom ?
No, there isn't
Are there tables in the Froger's bedroom ?
Yes, there are
Are there paintings in the Froger's bedroom ?
No, there aren't