va rog ,ajutati-ma!

Hi there!
1. The letter was lying on the table when she got home.
2. They were watching a film when the pizza arrived.
3. "I don`t know where she is", she replied.
4. Dr Lewis sat down and took her shoes off.
5. Melinda was gasping in amazement when she saw the beautiful diamond ring.
6. The bride was wearing a white lace dress and she was holding a bouquet of roses.
7. She was reading a letter when she heard a noise behind her.
8. The fireman was climbing the tree to rescue the cat when it jumped down on its own.
9. She shook her head and walked away.
10. It was twelve o`clock and Mrs Stone was waiting for her daughter to come home.
11. Mr Smith was painting the hall when his wife entered the front door.
12. The waiter was carrying a plate and two glasseswhen he fell.
13. She went to Ankara two years ago.
Past Simple este un timp verbal care exprima actiuni incepute si incheiate in trecut, al caror moment este precizat. In limba romana , traducem cu perfect compus. (eu am vorbit, tu ai alergat,etc)
Mod de formare:
Afirmativ: Subiect+Verb/-ed sau forma a II-a
Interogativ: Did+Subiect+Verb
Negativ: Subiect +didn`t+ Verb
La forma afirmativa, daca verbul este regulat ii adaugi”-ed”, daca este neregulat ii scrii forma a doua. La interogativ si negative, verbele se intorc la prima forma.
Past Continuous exprima actiuni in plina desfasurare in trecut. In limba romana traducem cu imperfect (eu vorbeam, tu alergai,etc)
Mod de formare:
Afirmativ: Subiect+ was/were + Verb-ing
Interogativ: Was/Were + Subiect+ verb-ing
Negativ: Subiect+ wasn`t/weren`t + Verb-ing
Atentie: La unele verbe ( swim, stop ,hit, travel, run, put, cut, shut, step, clap, admit, prefer,sit,begin,get), cand adaugi “-ing”, dublezi ultima consoana: swimming, stopping, etc. Daca verbul s etermina in “-e”, cand adaugi “-ing”, “-e” dispare: dance-dancing, write-writing,etc.
Atunci cand avem o actiune durative intrerupta de una non-durativa, trebuie folosite ambele timpuri.
EX. She was sleeping when instarted to rain.
Ea dormea cand a inceput sa ploua.
Atunci cand ambele actiuni sunt durative, folosim Present continuous
I was watching TV while my brother was playing.