a fost răspuns

Este URGENT!!!!! Cine imi traduce in engleza textul urmator:
Speriati de rechini cei doi inoata din ce in ce mai tare. Dupa cateva minute rechini refuza sa ii mai alerge. Ei s.au lasat dusi de val pana cand au ajuns la marginea unui oras. Sasha ( numele testoasei) vede un caine si se duce sa vorbeasca cu el, lasandu-l pe Winter ( numele delfinului) in apa.Sasha ii spune câinelui:
-Buna ! Cum te cheama?
-Buna! Ma cheama Labus ( numele cainelui) .
-Ma poti ajuta sa ajung acasa? intreba Sasha
-Nu pot sa te ajut. Stapanul meu trebuie sa iasa din acest magazin si daca plec o sa ma piarda.
Sasha suparata se intoarca in apa la Winter si ii spune ce a vorbit cu Labus.

Răspuns :

Terrified by sharks, the two of them swim faster and faster. After a few minutes the sharks stop running after them. They left themselves floating until they get to the outskirt of a town. Sasha (the name of the tortoise) sees a dog and goes to talk to him, leaving Winter (the name of the dolphin) in the water. Sasha tells the dog:
"Hi! What's your name?"
"Hi! My name is Pawie" (the name of the dog)
"Can you help me get home?" asks Sasha.
"I can't. My master is about to get out of this store and if I leave he will lose me.
Sasha, upset, comes back to Winter to report the discussion with Pawie.