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Emma could not believe what she saw in front of her. She ha been sitting în the classroom for the last two hours ,not thinking about anything except finishing her history exam. Then suddenly ,feeling that something in her surroundings was not right,she had raised her eyes from the exam paper.The classroom had completely disappeared...
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As she gazed around herself, she noticed that there were no people around her. After pincing herself twice to confirm that she wasnt dreaming, she started to observe more things around her. She was surrounded by trees and bushes. She was in a forrest, a beautyfull view. She couldn't believer herself as she began wondering around the green scenary. She heard some birds, and some insects, But slowly she started to realize that she shouldnt be here. She was taking a test moments ago. Suddenly she started to feel a little anxious. She was lost in this forrest.

However she was not carefull and ttipped on a rock. After she hit the floor she awaken in her class as if nothing happened. She was dreaming.