Răspuns :
1.What colour is you front door?
Ce culoare are usa ta de la casa?
My house door's colour is .......
Culoarea usii mele de la casa este ......
2.Are there two toilets in your house?
Exista in casa ta doua toalete?
No,i only have one toilet in my house.
Nu,am o singura toaleta in casa.
3.Has your flat/house got a balcony?
Are aprtamentul/casa ta un balcon?
Yes,my house does have a balcony.
Da,casa mea are un balcon.
4.What colour are the walls in your bathroom?
Ce culoare au peretii din baia ta?
My bathroom walls are ........
Culoarea peretilor mei este .........
5.Has your house got big windows?
Are casa ta ferestre mari?
Yes,I have quite big windows in my house.
Da,am ferestre destul de mari in casa mea.
6.What colour are the shutters?
culoare au jaluzele?
The shutters are .........
Jaluzele sunt .......
7.What colour are the floors?
Ce culoare au podelele?
The floors in my house are .........
Podelele in casa mea sunt ..........
8.Is there a bath and a shower in your bathroom?
Ai si cada si dus in baia ta?
No,i only have a shower.
Nu,am doar dus.
9.Are there tow windows in your bedroom?
Ai doua ferestre in camera ta?
Yes,i actually have three windows in my room.
Da,chiar am trei ferestre in camera mea.
10.What colour is the ceiling in your living room?
Ce culoare are tavanul in sufragerie?
The ceiling in the living room is ........
Tavanul in sufragerie are culoarea .......