a fost răspuns

1,2 si 3 va rog .. macar unu din ele daca nu ma puteti ajuta la toate poate va putea si altcineva​

12 Si 3 Va Rog Macar Unu Din Ele Daca Nu Ma Puteti Ajuta La Toate Poate Va Putea Si Altcineva class=

Răspuns :


convinced - to be sure of something, to know something to be true

prevention - to foresee something and to act before it happens

burglar-proof - protection against burglars

suspicious - not convincing, believed to be false

glamorises - make something to look glamorous

rebellious - not confirming to the law, acting without thinking about the consequences

decent - moderate, bland

job-placement - a profession that helps unemployed people find work

inhabitants - a group of individuals living in an area

arm - Banuiesc ca are sensul de arma - usually a a gun (Sau poate a fi mana) - the upper limb of the human body

aware - acknowledging a fact

crime rate - a number showing the criminality in an area

death penalty - the greatest penalty given to unforgettable crimes

taxpayer - an individual who pays taxes