Răspuns :
Draga Mos Craciun,
Iti scriu aceasta scrisoare deoarece ne apropiem de Craciun, si am capatat obiceiul de a-ti scrie in fiecare an o scrisoare, sincer cred ca asta ma face sa ma simt de 8-9 ani din nou. Acum ca am crescut mai mare si am (xx) ani nu mai vreau jucarii si tot ce ceream cand eram mai mic. Vreau doar ca toata familia mea si prietenii mei sa fie sanatosi si note bune la scoala. Vreau sa-i fac pe parinti mandrii. Asa ca, Mos Craciun, daca poti indeplini aceste dorinte as fi foarte fericit.
Cu drag, (nume)
Dear Santa Claus,
I wrote this letter because we are getting close to Christmas, and I got the habit to write you a letter every year, honestly i think this makes me feel like I am 8-9 years old again. Now that I got older and have (xx) years I don't want toys and all the things i asked for when I was younger. I want just that all my family and friends to be healthy and to get good grades at school. I want to make my parents proud. So, Santa Claus, if you can make this wishes happen I would be very happy.
With love, (Nume)
Sper ca te-am ajutat, spor la teme.