a fost răspuns

Cine imi traduce si mie:
1.Deja am scris mult si am obosit.
2.Tocmai l-am vazut pe John in fata scolii.Nu am vorbit cu el.
3.L-am cunoscut la un concurs de matematica.
4.Nu mi-a dat nici o carte in engleza, mi-a spus ca nu are carti in engleza.
5.Am lucrat la matematica timp de 3 ore.
6.Am vorbit despre Eminescu in fata elevilor de la ora 10 dimineata. Nimeni nu la ascultat.
7.Anul acesta am calatorit mult prin tara.
8.Ai scris totul?Nu, nu am terminat inca.
9.Mi-a spus deja cateva lucruri intereseante despre vacanta lui.
10.Saptamana trecuta am mers la tara la bunici.

Răspuns :

1. I already wrote much , and i got tired 
2. I just saw John in front of the school . I didn't talk to him . 
3. I met him at a math concurs . 
4. He\she didn't give me any english book , he\she told me that he\she don't have english books .
5. I worked at math for 3 hours .
6. I spoke about eminescu in front of some students since 10 o'clock AM . Nobody listened me .
7. This year i traveled a lot through the country . 
8, Did you write everything ? No , i didn't finish yet . 
9. He\she told me already some interesting things about his holiday . 
10. Last week i was at the grandparents  .