Who i am going to be 10 years time
As a kid, I liked guns and shooting games and playing games with cops. I also liked the action films that contained spies, secret agents and everything related to the word law. At the age of 10 I received as a gift a "nerf" weapon with sponge bullets and I started playing with it. I was shooting at walls, dolls and even things I didn't have to shoot. At 11 I became dependent on this and wherever I went, I pretended to be a cop. So, I think it will. Over 10 years I will be a good soldier with a high salary and who will protect this country without fear. I'll handle the weapons like a rambo and I'll fight like Bruce Lee. At old age I will be the hardest old man in Romania and I will enjoy all the money I made at a young age. In conclusion, over 10 years I will be a very skillful and fearless soldier even in old age