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You have read the text below which is an extract from a magazine article on the lack of inspiring role models in public life.You decide to write a letter responding to the points raised and describing a person who has inspired you. (300-350 words)
The text:
We are becoming a society of cynics, money-grabbers, people whose sole purpose in life is furthering self- interest. The sad truth is that there are no longer inspirational people among us; manipulation of the media and wealth creation have become paramount for those in public life. Most people just want an easy life; few take risks for the sake of others, or push for knowledge without anticipating financial reward. Where are the role models of tocat?

Răspuns :

The apathy that permeates society is a direct result of negligence by our government and the media.

With common sense no longer our guide, we make decisions based on our selfish wants and desires. This has resulted in a deluge of self-centered people who delight in taking advantage of the weak. However, even in this modern day and age, it is imperative that we act in the best interests of all. A world where it is acceptable to trample on the rights of others for your own benefit, a world where the young exist only to be exploited by the corporate greed, is a world that must be changed!

And while our society appears to be prosperous, many of our people are quietly suffering. The next generation will lead us into the future and yet they have no plan for how to arrive there. Passing on the societal ills we have created to the next generation is not right.

It is up to us, the young generation, to stop the brainwashing and denial done by social media and the government. I believe that in today's day and age a person that motivates and inspires people is Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old girl from Sweden, who is more concerned about the future of humanity than the political leaders of this world. With gas emissions and pollution being at an all time high, she decided it was time to voice her concern about the future of humanity and the planet Earth. People and political leaders have begun noticing her, and more people from around the world are joining her in her journey towards a cleaner and safer Earth. Considering that a 16 (sixteen) year old is more concerned about the current state of the planet than most adults in power, this leaves much to be desired when it comes to the current state of society.