We all know how important the mobile phone is to each of us. Whether we give messages, call parents or look for information on the Internet, the phone is an indispensable object.
First and foremost, the phone is necessary because through him you correspond with your loved ones. Calling a person, you can connect with her almost instantly, without having to travel to her home. Also, messages are an easy way to communicate and sometimes, when verbal communication is impossible, we use the written one.
Second, the phone is very useful when it comes to an emergency. If your mother does not find you or if she wants to take you from school, she can call you! Another plus for using the phone would be the internet, because it connects people especially through social networks.
Many of the students also use the phone as an alarm clock to wake up to go to school.
The mobile phone has many functions and that is why the students value it so much.