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renumit om de știință englez, alchimist, teolog, mistic, matematician, fizician și astronom, președinte al Royal Society. Isaac Newton este savantul aflat la originea teoriilor științifice care vor revoluționa știința, în domeniul opticii, matematicii și în special al mecanicii. În 1687 a publicat lucrarea Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, în care a descris Legea atracției universale și, prin studierea legilor mișcării corpurilor, a creat bazele mecanicii clasice. A contribuit, împreună cu Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, la fondarea și dezvoltarea calculului diferențial și a celui integral. Newton a fost primul care a demonstrat că legile naturii guvernează atât mișcarea globului terestru, cât și a altor corpuri cerești, intuind că orbitele pot fi nu numai eliptice, dar și hiperbolice sau parabolice. Tot el a arătat că lumina albă este o lumină compusă din radiații monocromatice.


Nikola Tesla was an inventor, engineer, mechanical engineer, electrician and Serbian-American futurist which is well known today for its contributions to the modern design of the AC power system.

He built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first exposed to the world. He also tried to develop inventions that he could grow and sell. He performed a series of experiments with mechanical generators, early radiographic images and electric discharge tubes. Tesla continued, throughout the 1890s, ideas for the worldwide distribution of wireless power and wireless lighting in its high frequency, high-frequency experiments in New York

and Colorado Springs. He made statements about the possibility of wireless communication with his devices in 1893. He tried to put these ideas into practice in his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project a power transmitter and an intercontinental wireless communicator, but ran out of funding before it could be completed.

Following the Wardenclyffe project, Tesla experienced a series of inventions in the '20 with varying degrees of success. Tesla has lived in a number of hotels in New York after spending most of his money, leaving behind unpaid bills. He died in New York in 1943.