a fost răspuns

Underline the correct word.
My friend's/friends' name is John.
2 Helens'/Helen's eyes are blue.
3 Our dogs'/dog's names are Rover and Rex.
4 These are Steve's/Steves' shoes.
5 This is the lady's/ladies' skirt.
6 Mary's/Marys' computer is new.
7 That is John's and Mary/John and Mary's television
8 Her sister's/sisters' names are Ellen and Tina.
9 My fathers'/father's car is new.
10 His cats'/cat's name is Fluffy.

Răspuns :


1. friend's

2. Helen's

3. dogs'

4. Steve's

5. lady's

6. Mary's

7. John and Mary's

8. sisters'

9. father's

10. cat's



1. friend's

2. helens'

3. dogs'

4. steve's

5. lady's

6. Mary's

7. neclar, o sa presupun ca l-ai rezolvat singur

8. sisters'

9. father's

10. cat's


In limba engleza, cand vrei sa pui pluralul corect poti sa te iei dupa o regula foarte usoara. Cand ai un singur obiect/fiinta, pui apostroful ( ' ) inainte de s, si cand ai mai multe obiecte/fiinte pui apostroful dupa s. Pronuntarea este urmatoarea: He-lăns eye is blue (cu apostrof inainte de s), He-lăns-iz eyes are blue (cu apostrof dupa s). Atentie la pronuntare!
