Răspuns :
I think that she's a really pretty girl. (Eu cred ca ea este o fata foarte draguta.)
I don't think that he has anything to do with this. (Nu cred ca el are vreo legatura cu asta.)
Do you think that she is guilty of stealing his keys? (Crezi ca ea este vinovata <de faptul> ca i-a furat cheile?)
I drink a cup of milk every evening. (Eu beau o cana de lapte in fiecare seara.)
I don't drink sodas. (Nu beau sucuri cu acid.)
Do you drink orange juice? (Tu bei suc de portocale?)
I only wear jeans and T-shirts. (Eu port doar pantaloni si tricouri.)
I don't wear dresses during the winter season. (Nu port rochii in timpul iernii.)
Do you wear caps? (Tu porti sepci?)
I see that you're trying to impress her. (Observ ca incerci s-o impresionezi.)
I don't see anything wrong with this dress. (Nu vad nimic gresit cu aceasta rochie.)
Don't you see anything unusual in her behaviour? (Nu vezi nimic schimbat/ciudat in atitudinea ei?)
I lost my keys at the park. (Mi-am pierdut cheile in parc.)
I didn't lose the competition. (Nu am pierdut competitia)
When did you lose your notebook? (Cand ti-ai pierdut caietul?)
I hear a beautiful song in the distance. (Aud o melodie frumoasa in departare.)
I don't hear you. (Nu aud nimic.)
Did you hear what the teacher said? (Ai auzit ce a spus profesorul?)
I eat 2 apples a day. (Eu mananc 2 mere pe zi.)
I don't eat vegetables at all. I think they're disgusting. (Nu mananc legume deloc. Cred ca sunt dezgustatoare.)
Do you eat meat? (Tu mananci carne?)
I make videos in my free time. (Eu fac videoclipuri in timpul meu liber.)
I don't make the rules. (Nu eu fac regulile.)
Did you make this? It's amazing! (Tu ai facut asta? Este uimitor!)
I run an hour everyday. (Eu alerg o ora pe zi.)
I don't run because I always get very tired. (Eu nu alerg deoarece obosesc mereu.)
Did you run all the way from your school? (Ai alergat de la scoala ta pana aici?)
I never win anything. (Niciodata nu castig nimic.)
I don't win very often. (Nu castig de multe ori.)
Did you win the grand prize? (Ai castigat premiul cel mare?)
I read a lot in my free time. (Eu citesc mereu in timpul meu liber.)
I don't read books, but I like reading articles. (Eu nu citesc carti, dar imi place sa citesc articole.)
Did you read all those 5 books? (Ai citit toate aceste 5 carti?)
I ride my bike to school. (Eu ciclez pana la scoala./ Eu merg cu bicicleta pana la scoala.)
I don't ride horses because I'm too afraid to fall. (Eu nu calaresc cai deoarece imi este prea frica sa cad.)
Did you ride your bike today? (Tu ai mers pe bicicleta ta azi?)
I always meet celebrities since my mom works at a TV show. (Mereu intalnesc vedete avand in vedere ca mama mea lucreaza la o emisiune TV.)
I don't meet important people very often. (Nu intalnesc oameni importanti foarte des.)
Did you meet someone important today? (Ai intalnit pe cineva important azi?)
Asta este tot, iti urez succes si sper sa te distrezi la fel de mult scriind aceste propozitii cat m-am distrat eu. :)))