Răspuns :
I already gave her the answers. (Eu deja i-am dat răspunsurile)
Are you done already? (Esti gata deja)
You should be done already! (Ar trebui sa fii gata deja!)
I can never be quiet. (Eu nu pot fii niciodată tăcută)
Never touch that again! (Nu mai face asta niciodată!)
You never come here? (Tu nu vii niciodată aici?)
I didn't finish yet. (Nu am terminat încă.)
You didn't clean your room yet? (Nu ti-ai curatat camera inca?)
And yet you are still arguing! (Si încă va mai certați!)
I will never, ever believe in ghosts. (Eu nu voi crede niciodată în fantome)
Will you ever be understanding? (Vei fii vreodata intelegator?)
Don't you ever say that to me! (Sa nu imi mai spui vreodata asta!)
I did it for my family. (Am făcut-o pentru familia mea)
For being bad, I'll punish you! (Pentru că ai fost rau, te voi pedepsi!)
Have you ever wished for something? (Ti-ai dorit vreodata ceva?)
Since when? (De cand?)
I started talking to them since highschool. (Am început sa vorbesc cu ei din liceu.)
Ever since you came here, you were a problem student! (De cand ai venit aici, esti un student problematic!)
Last week we had a test. (Saptamana trecuta am avut test.)
Did we have a meeting last week? (Am avut o intalnire saptamana trecuta?)
We did have time last week! (Am avut timp saptamana trecuta!)
I went shopping yesterday. (Am mers la cumparaturi ieri.)
Yesterday was a tornado? (Ieri a fost o tornada?)
You didn't come yesterday! (Nu ai venit ieri!)
When I was 12 i was kind of shy. (Cand aveam 12 ani eram destul de timida.)
I talked to you when I was 12? (Am vorbit cu tine cand aveam 12 ani?)
When I was 12 you left me and my family!(Cand aveam 12 ani m-ai parasit pe mine si pe familia mea!)
2 days ago we did an interesting activity at school. (Acum 2 zile am facut o activitate interesanta la scoala.)
Where were you 2 days ago? (Unde ai fost acum 2 zile?)
2 days ago you weren't here! (Acum 2 zile nu ai fost aici!)