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Exercitiul 8, va rog.​

Exercitiul 8 Va Rog class=

Răspuns :

Exercitiul spune "lucrati in perechi", iar tu trebuie sa discuti anumite aspecte legate de faptul ca un prieten de al tau, din alt oras, va veni la tine acasa sa stea doua saptamani in vacanta de vara. Voi raspunde la fiecare punct separat.


  • The weather will be very good, so you don't need warm clothes. But you can bring a jacket in case it will be rainy. You should really bring your camera to take some great photos with it. And don't forget about your swimsuit.
  • We will go to the beach, to the cinema and we will meet with my friends. I will also show you the whole town. It will be nice visiting it.
  • My parents are great and I am sure that you will like them. They are already happy about your stay here. We can also help my mother in the kitchen or spend some time with my father in the garden if he needs some help.
  • We can go swimming at the beach or playing basketball at my house. We have a big park with some fields where we can also play different sports like: tennis, football or volleyball.