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After an early breakfast in Pisac, we filled oau water bottles and set aut once more, Juan, the villager whose rowing boat we had borrowed, had told us to follow the Urubamba River.For the first hour or so we managed to row the boat, but we soon came to a place where the vegetation was very overgrown so we couldn't continue . We all got aut and tried to pull the boat onto the river bank.It was exhausting work and it was getting very hot, so we decided to tie the boat to a branch instead. I took some rope from my backpack but it snapped. In the end we had to use Maria's belt, although she really wasn't happy about this .Va rog mult sa ma ajutati sa o trduc fara Google translate va rog mult va multumesc

Răspuns :

Dupa un mic dejun luat devreme la Pisaq, ne-am umplut sticlele de apa si ne-am asternu la drum inca o data. Juan, sateanul a carui barca o imprumutaseram, ne-a spus sa urmam firul raului Urumbamba. Am reusit sa vaslim cam o ora, dar apoi am ajuns intr-un loc unde vegetatia era atat de deasa incat nu am mai putut continua. Am iesit cu totii si am incercat sa tragem barca pe mal. Era o treaba epuizanta si se facuse si foarte cald, asa ca am hotarat sa legam barca de un copac. Am luat niste franghie din rucsac dar s-a rupt. In final a trebuit sa folosim cureaua Mariei, cu toate ca nu i-a convenit deloc.