a fost răspuns

Unul dintre marile mele vise a fost sa vizitez Londra pentru ca am auzit ca este faimos prin turnul Big Ben si alte atractii turistice. Am facut tot ce era posibil pentru a economisi bani penrru aceasta vacanta, dar nu am reusit. De ziua mea verisori mei mi-au promis ca imi vor face o surpriza, nu avem nici o idee despre ce era vorba.Ei, parca m-au citit gandurile, si mu-au facut cadou un bilet de avion catre Londra. Cand am vazut biletul eram foarte fericita si nerabdatoare sa ajung la Londra. In curand urma sa imi indeplinesc marele vis. In ziua cand am primit vestea nu am inchis un ochi toata noaptea, gandindu-ma ce verisori minunati am.
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Răspuns :

One of my biggest dream was to visit London because I heard  that the Big Ben Tower is famous and other tourist attractions.I did everything that was possible for saving money because this holiday,I couldn't.On my birthday,my cousins promised me that they will make me a surprise,I didn't have any idea what they  were talking about.They,it seemed like the read my thoughts,and they have made a ticket to London as a gift.When I saw the ticket I was very happy and excited to reach London. Soon I was going to fulfill my biggest dream.In the day when I received the news I didn't close one eye all the night.thinking what wonderful cousin I have