
Redactați un text în lb engleza despre cum ar fi daca profesorii nu ne-ar mai da teme la scoala​

Răspuns :

Întrebări/completează cu cuvintele tale :

Câte teme ai în fiecare zi la școală?

I like school, and I don't mind homework too much.

In general, we have to write every day...... for math, ..... for the Romanian language class, and .... for history and biology. We have less homework in Eglish (and French?). This is our homework.

math problems, essays for the literature class, reviewing new things for the history and biology classes

Ce obiect îmi place mie cel mai mult.

My favorite classes are  .....

Ce faci ca să înveți la aceste discipline?

I like literature the most. On my own, I read books, I write poems ... ce faci pentru literatură (I often go to the library, I am a member of an after school writting club... etc)

I like math. I usually solve little problems for fun, with my friend. These are like puzzles for us. ... (adaugă o experiență personală: I ...)

I love drawing and painting. I paint from imagination (horses, animals, people, cartoons, ... scrii ce pictezi și desenezi)

I like languages. I speak ... (English, French, German, Greek, ... ) ce limbi vorbești ... I travelled abroad to ... în ce țară. (England, Spain, Portugal, Italy...etc).

I like sports. I train weekly and and play /football/ tennis/basketball. I go swimming in the summer and I often go skiing in winter.

If I had no more homework from class, I would many do things on my own, that I like: I would play more. I would go outside more. I would go to my friend's place and play chess. (alte activități care îți fac plăcere: I would also go hiking, visit my grandmother, etc...)

Without homework, I am not sure that I could get good grades anymore, though, because I sometimes understand better when doing my homework. Perhaps it would take longer for me to learn new things.