traduceti in romana Tate Gallery is one of London s best-known at galleries . The Gallery contains a unique collection of British paintings from the 16 th century to the present day,a well as modern foreign paintings and modern sculpture . The Gallery regularly bolds special exhibitions .
Galeria Tate este una dintre cele mai cunoscute galerii de arta ale Londrei. Galeria cuprinde o colectie unica de picturi englezesti din secolul al 16-lea si pana in prezent, cat si picturi straine moderne si sculptura moderna. Galeria organizeaza in mod regulat expozitii speciale. ________________________________________________________ He had a special fondness for painting
humble rural scenes and landscapes . His short patchy brushstrokes gave
vitality to the common place scenes he painted.
A avut o inclinatie speciala de a picta scene rurale modeste si peisaje. Tusele sale scurte si neuniforme au conferit vitalitate scenelor banale pe care le-a pictat.