Răspuns :
Past Simple iti arata o actiune incep uta si incheiata in trecut, al carei moment este precizat, deci ti se spune clar cand s-a intamplat respectiva chestiune. Il recunosti dupa adverbele specifice: yesterday, last week (month,year,Sunday,etc), ...ago;
Se formeaza:
A: Subiect+ Verb-ed/forma a II-a (daca verbul este neregulat)
ex. He helped his father in the garden yesterday. (aici ai verb regulat)
You went to the cinema last week. (aici ai verb neregulat)
I: Did+Subiect+ Verb?
Did he help his father in the garden yesterday?
You didn`t go to the cinema last week.
N: Subiect+ didn`t+Verb
He didn`t help his father in the garden yesterday.
You didn`t go to the cinema last week.
# Retine ca la interogativ si negativ, verbul nu mai are -ed, nu mai e nici la forma a ii-a, se intoarce la prima forma.
# Il traduci cu perfect compus (eu am alergat,tu ai vorbit, el a citit,etc.)
Past Continuous iti arata o actiune in plina desfasurare in trecut
A: Subiect + was/were+ Verb-ing
ex. He was sleeping at this time yesterday.
I: Was/were+ Subiect+Verb-ing?
Was he sleeping at this time yesterday?
N: Subiect + wasn`t/weren`t+Verb-ing
He wasn`t sleeping at this time yesterday.
# Il traduci cu imperfect (eu alergam, tu vorbeai,el citea,etc.)
# I/he/she/it was; you/we/they were
Present perfect iti arata:
- o actiune incep uta si incheiata in trecut, al carei moment nu este precizat;
- o actiune incep uta si incheiata in trecut, care are rezultate in prezent( am reparat masina,acum merge)
- o actiune incep uta in trecut, care continua in prezent si poate continua si in viitor. ( Locuiesc in acest oras de 3 ani.)
Il recunosti adverbele urmatoare: today, this week(month,year,summer,etc), already, just, never,ever,lately, recently, yet,since,for.
Se formeaza:
A: Subiect+ have/has+ Verb cu ed/forma a III-a
eg. They have seen Mary today.
I: Have/Has+ Subiect+ Verb cu ed/forma a III-a
Have they seen Mary today?
N: Subiect+ haven`t/hasn`t+ Verb cu ed /forma a III-a
They haven`t seen Mary today.
# I/you/we/they have; he/she/it has
# verbele si pastreaza "-ed" sau forma a III-a si la interogativ si negativ
# il traduci cu prezent sau perfect compus
Future Simple- il recunosti dupa: tomorrow, next week( month,year,etc)
A:Subiect +will+Verb
eg. She will visit me tomorrow.
I: Will+ Subiect+ Verb
Will she visit me tomorrow?
N: Subiect+won`t+ Verb
She won`t visit me tomorrow.
First conditional - se refera la o conditie posibila in viitor care va avea loc sau nu.
Propozitia care incepe cu "if" este subordonata si nu ai voie sa folosesti decat present simple, iar cealalta e principala si nu ai voie sa folosesti decat viitor.
IF+ Present Simple->Future simple
ex. If we hurry, we will catch the train.
Le poti inversa, dar timpurile raman aceleasi:
We will catch the train if we hurry.
Verbele neregulate trebuie sa le inveti,nu ai alta solutie!
Sper ca m-am facut inteleasa si iti e de folos.
Mult succes la test!