Răspuns :
Past simple
I drink
You drink
She drinks
He drinks
We drink
You drink
They drink
Past Continuous
I am drinking
You are drinking
She/He is drinking
We are drinking
You are drinking
They are drinking
Past Simple
I drank
You drank
He/she drunk
We drank
You drank
They drank
Past Continuous
I was drinking
You were drinking
She/he was drinking
We were drinking
You were drinking
They were drinking
Past Pf. Simple
I had drunk
You had drunk
She/he has drunk
We have drunk
You have drunk
They had drunk
To Find
Pres simple
I find
You find
She/he finds
We find
You find
They find
Present continuous
I am finding
You are finding
He/she is finding
We are finding
You are finding
They are finding
Past simple
I found
You found
He/she found
We found
You found
They found
Past Continuous
I was finding
You were finding
She/he was finding
We were finding
You were finding
They were finding
Past pf simple
I had found
You had found
He/she had found
We had found
You had found
They had found
To walk
I walk
You walk
He/she walks
We walk
You walk
They walk
I am walking
You are walking
He/she is walking
We are walking
You are walking
They are walking
Past Simple
I walked
You walked
she/he walked
We walked
You walked
They walked
Past Continuous
I was walking
You were walking
He/she was walking
We were walking
You were walking
They were walking
Past Pf simple
I had walked
You had walked
She /he had walked
We had walked
You had walked
They had walked
Asa faci si la restul , la "fly" pers. a 3 a singular , la pres. simple dispare "y" si ai flies, apoi la trecut ai Flew , iar la forma a treia (care iti trebuie doar la past perf simple , in cazul tau) ai forma "flown".
Ultimele 2 sunt regulate deci pui la infinitiv "ed" si asta e , la toate timpurile de trecut pe care le ai si bineinteles urmezi si modele date de mine. Sper ca te-am ajutat!