Cine stie sa raspunda ii dau coroana!

1.We mostly read regional newspapers.
2.No,we don't,we look on social media for information
3.The main newspapers are: Adevărul,Click!,Azi,Cotidianul and Libertatea
4.The most circulated newspaper is : Adevărul
5.We have a bunch of TV channels.
6.We watch a lot of TV.
7.The most popular types of programmes are involved with news
8.No,they are seen a lot of times ,but the satelite TV's aren't very popular
9.There are a bunch of radio channels,not to many though.
10.The TV is a lot more popular than the radio.
11.A lot of programmes are for music or news.
12.No,they usually do not control the media.
Sper ca te-am ajutat și sper sa dai o coroana!