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Compunere my morning routine

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Every morning at 6:15 I’m awoke from a deep sleep by my alarm clock for school. I always hit the snooze at least 3 times before I even open my eyes. I loudly grunt due to my annoyance with the whole situation and slowly rise out of bed. I immediately head to the bathroom across the hall and impatiently wait for my sister to get out so I can tinkle.  After that warm sensation I head to my room to change out of my pajamas and into my school clothes. I grab a pair of paints and wobble into them, after that struggle I grab a shirt and put it on as well. Once I’m finally dressed and my mom approves I head downstairs to make breakfast. I open the pantry door and stare gapingly until something sparks my senses. When I finally decide on something I pour me a tall glass of orange juice to go with whatever I choose. After devouring my breakfast I go to brush my teeth and my retainers that I wore the night before. I then sluggishly walk back upstairs to fix my hair and makeup for school. This takes me forever because I’m not skilled at either of those tasks. When I’m finally done I go downstairs to retrieve the lunch my mom has prepared for me to take to school, and then I gather all my things. At this point I have accepted the fact that I have to go to school and that there’s no going back. I grab my keys and holler upstairs for my sister to hurry up. We finally leave for school, never failing to forget something, and then we repeat the same process the very next day.