a fost răspuns

Scrieti o scrisoare informala unui prieten din strainatate ,pe care il invitam la noi in tara .astept..

Răspuns :

dragul meu prieten,
iata ca timpul a trecut de la intalnirea noastra de la Borsec. Acum, pentru ca se apropie momentul in care vom sarbatori 20 de ani de la terminarea facultatii, te invit la intalnirea de aniversare a acestui moment. Evenimentul este planificat sa aiba loc in luna mai, la Caciulata, la hotel ''Premier''. Pentru a putea sa fac rezervarea camerei la hotel, dar si a locurilor la restaurant, te rog sa imi confirmi prezenta.
Costurile calatoriei se vor suporta individual.
Cu drag,
marcel vasilescu
I know for a long time.It matters only that indestructible friendship, of which I speak, and that at first I did not understand o.You gave me smiles and unspoken honor to be among friends.I would not want to ever think I need a reason to repeat that you're particularly for me. I would love to meet you soon at least, not until you go so long we cross paths. But I know that time we stood up to now has not been available for nothing.Looking forward to reunited you again.