Ce fac eu in weekend
Eu in fiecare weekend ies afara cu prietenii.Aceste persoane sunt cele mai bune de pe intregul Pamant.
Uneori in weekend imi fac temele.La scoala in pauza ma verific si poate mai adaug ceva ce am lipsit.
Uneori imi petrec absolut tot timpul cu familia.Toata lumea stie ca familia este cel mai mare dar dat pentru tine.
acum in engleza:
In every weekend I go out with my friends.Those persons are the best from the whole world.
Sometimes in the weekend i do my homework.At school I make sure that I didn't miss any information that I needed to add.
Sometimes i spend absolutly all my time with my family.Everyone knows that the family is the biggest present gived to you.