a fost răspuns

Traduceti in limba engleza:
1)Daca va ploua, strazile vor fi ude.
2)Daca ar ploua, strazile ar fi ude.
3)Dacaar fi plouat, strazile ar fi fost ude.
4)Vei prinde trenul daca vei lua un taxi.
5)Ai fi prins trenul daca ai fi luat un taxi.
6)Ai prinde trenul daca ai lua un taxi.
7)Te vei supara daca iti voi lua creionul?
8)Te-ai supara daca ti-as lua creionul?
9)Te-ai fi suparat daca ti-as fi luat creionul?
10)Ce vei face daca il vei intâlni pe John?
11)Ce-ai face daca l-ai intâlni pe John?
12)Ce-ai fi facut daca l-ai fi intâlnit pe John?
13)Il vei vedea daca il vei astepta.
14)Daca un cersetor ti-ar cere bani, I-ai da?
15)Ce s-ar fi intâmplat daca ai fi condus cu 16)viteza mare?
17)Nu vom merge la plimbare daca nu va sta ploaia.
18)Mi-ar placea mai mult piesa daca ar fi 19)mai scurta.
20)Daca cina nu va fi gata la timp, voi mânca la un restaurant.
21)Daca n-ai fi inchis fereastra, mi-ar fi fost frig.
22)As mai croseta un pulover daca as mai avea lâna.
23)Mamaia ar fi un loc ideal pentru o vacanta daca n-ar fi atât de multi oameni acolo.
24)Voi fi dezamagit daca nu voi afla adevarul.

Răspuns :

1) If it rains, the streets will be wet.
2) If it rains, the streets will be wet.
3) If it were raining, the streets would have been wet.
4) You will catch the train if you take a taxi.
5) You would have caught the train if you had a taxi.
6) Get the train if you take a taxi.
7) Are you upset if I take your pencil?
8) Would you mind if I took your pencil?
9) Would you mind if I took your pencil?
10) What will you do if you meet John?
11) What would you do if you met John?
12) What would you do if you met John?
13) You will see him if you wait for him.
14) If a beggar would ask for money, would you give him?
15) What would have happened if you had driven 16) high speed?
17) We will not go for a walk unless the rain stops.
18) I would love more play if it were 19) shorter.
20) If dinner is not ready in time, I will eat at a restaurant.
21) If you had not closed the window, I would have been cold.
22) I would hook a sweater if I had the wool.
23) Mamaia would be an ideal place for a vacation if there were not so many people out there.
24) I will be disappointed if I do not know the truth.