Răspuns :
Eu spun ca este corect dar ,,One day they decided to go to the woods to gather for a project!,, aici sa scrii ,,One day they decided to go to the woods to find materials for a project!,, si aici : ,,This means true friendship!,, scrii:
,,This is a true friendship!,, dar este corect :)
Am corectat putin:
Mihai, Stefan and Sergiu are best friends. They are inseparable: they do homework, go to school and play together.
One day they decided to go to the woods for a project. They reached the forest and began collecting leaves when, suddenly, a wolf started running in their direction.
Seeing the wolf approaching fast, they ran away, but the wolf bit Sergiu's leg.
The boy screamed and, seeing and hearing him, Mihai and Stefan took some thick branches and started to chase the wolf away, finally managing to save their friend from death.
This is what true friendship means !