I had a lot of favorite Christmas holydays, but I can say this one was the best! And I'm surprised that this time it was not about the PRESENTS or SANTA CLAUS. It was about the Christmas Spirit that gave me a wonderful holiday.
A factor that was involved in the Christmas atmosphere were the DECORATIONS all around our house. My family started putting first the Christmas lights in the front garden and I think our neighboors were quite amazed by it. Then, we continued with the inside of the house by putting GARLANDS everywhere, but I think the most important piece was the CHRISTMAS TREE, every year getting more and more beautiful.
"Something is missing" I told myself and immediately I started hearing CAROLS.
Me and my parents started making CHRISTMAS CARDS for the neighboors and the rest of the family. Christmas passed by, and the NEW YEAR EVE was coming. The BLIZZARD didn't stop us from prepering for the night between the years. We also didn't forget about watching the fireworks show and reuniting the family was what the New Year Eve brought me.
Happy New Year!
Traducere in romana:
"Am avut multe vacante de Craciun favorite, dar aceasta a fost cea mai faina! Si sunt surprinsa/surprins ca de data aceasta nu a fost vorba despre cadouri sau Mos Craciun. A fost despre spiritul Craciunului care mi-a oferit o vacanta minunata.
Un factor care a fost implicat in atmosfera Craciunului au fost decoratiunile, peste tot in casa mea. Familia mea a inceput sa puna mai intai beculetele de Craciun in curtea din fata si cred ca vecini au fost impresionati de asta. Apoi, am continuat cu partea interioara a case, punand girlande peste tot, dar cred ca cea mai important piesa a fost bradul de craciun, in fiecare an devenind tot mai frumos.
"Ceva lipseste" mi-am spus in gand si imediat am auzit colinde.
Eu si parintii mei am inceput sa facem felicitari de Craciun pentru vecini si restul familiei. Craciunul trecuse si noul an venea. Viscolul nu ne oprese din pregatirea pentru noaptea dintre ani. Nu uitasem nici de focul de artificii, iar reunirea familie a fost ceea ce mi-a oferit Revelionul.
An nou fericit!"
Sper sa te ajute! :D