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În acest film Alicia Vikander o interpretează pe Lara Croft, ea fiind fica unui aventurier, dispărut din viata ei de când pășea pragul adolescenței. Odată ce Lara ajunge la vârsta de 21 de ani și e doar un curier pe bicicleta ce navighează prin străzile din Londra de avea reușind sa strângă bani de chirie Lara prin încăpățânarea ei cu care nu vrea sa creadă ca tatăl ei s-a dus pentru totdeauna , sfătuită sa accepte sa meargă mai departe după 7 ani de așteptare ea decide sa își lase vechea viata în urma și pornește în ultima destinație cunoscuta a tatălui ei fiind un mormânt legendar aflat pe o insula în apropierea coastelor Japoniei .
Misiunea este una grea pentru ea înarmată fiind doar cu mintea ei ascuțită și încrederea în sine de a nu ceda niciodată.

Răspuns :

In this film, Alicia Vikander plays Lara Croft, the daughter of an adventurer who has disappeared from her life since she was adolescent. Once Lara reaches the age of 21 and she's just a courier on a bike sailing through the streets of London by being able to raise rent money Lara through her stubbornness that she does not want to believe her father has gone forever, to accept to go further after 7 years of waiting she decides to leave her old life behind and starts at her father's last known destination being a legendary tomb on an island near the coast of Japan.

The mission is hard for her to be armed, with only her sharp mind and her self-confidence never to give up.

In this movie A.V. plays the role of Lara Croft, the daughter of adventured man which disappeared from her life when she was just a teenager. At age of 21 years old Lara is a bicycle delivery in London trying to make money for rent. She is stubborn and she did not quit to believe that her father is alive, somewhere. After seven years of waiting  for her father, she decided to renounced at her old life and she starts a journey  fallowing her father steps and hopping that she will find him. The father’s last known destination is a legendary tomb from an island not too far away from Japan. Her mission is a heavy one but she is convinced that whit courage and strong will, she can be together again with her father .

Am adaptat ceva pentru tine.