a fost răspuns

1)ce organ se afecteaza cel mai mult din cauza consumarii drogurilor?
3)ce sfaturi ai da oamenilor care se afecteaza?
4)concluzia.In engleza va Rog imi scrieti.

Răspuns :

Romana:Organul care este afectat din cauza drogurilor este creierul!Sfatul meu pentru oamenii care se drogheaza este sa nu mai foloseasca aceste substante pentru a isi revenii de la acea stare care omoara neuronii!

Engleza:The organ that is affected by the drugs is the brain! My advice to people who are drugged is to stop using these substances to get back from that condition that kills the neurons!

1) The organ that it is the most affected out of all is the liver.

2) The advice I would give people is stop drinking or smoking before it's too late.

3) The conclusion is that people don't need to start consuming drugs.