Read the text again and answer the questions
Citiți din nou textul și răspundeți la întrebări
1. Where are the Brownlee brothers from?
The Brownlee brothers (Alistar and Jonathan) are from Yorkshire, in the north of England.
2. What sports are in a triathlon?
In a triathlon there are three sports: swimming, cycling and running.
3. Who is Edward Brownlee?
Edward Brownlee is Alistar and Jonathan's younger brother, who enjoys rugby and waterpolo rather than going to triathlon competitions.
4. What are their parents' jobs?
The three brothers' parents are doctors, but they are also passionate about sports.
5. Where is Kate Middleton from?
Princess Kate Middleton is from Berkshire, in the south of England.
6. Who is Kate's husband?
Kate's husband is Prince William (the son of Prince Charles and the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II.
7. What is Prince William's job?
Prince Charles works as a helicopter pilot.
8. What is Pippa Midldleton's job?
Pippa Middleton works as a party planner.