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Cats and dogs
They are domestical animals.
They are smart , clever , and pretty. The don't live more than twenty years .The cats cats are smaller than dogs. You can see a cat or a dog at the farms and in other places. Cats like to drink milk. Dog likes to eat meat . Cats and dogs love people so much .
I like cats and dogs
They are domestical animals.
They are smart , clever , and pretty. The don't live more than twenty years .The cats cats are smaller than dogs. You can see a cat or a dog at the farms and in other places. Cats like to drink milk. Dog likes to eat meat . Cats and dogs love people so much .
I like cats and dogs
cats are pure carnivores.
pisicile sunt carnivore.
Cats have five toes on their front paws and only four toes on their back paws
Pisicile au 4 degete pe picioarele posterioare ale picioarelor din față.
A cat can live twenty or more years
O pisică poate trăi mai mult de douăzeci de ani.
Cats may have gum disease and dental caries. Therefore, They should have their teeth cleaned by the vet or the cat dentist once a year
Pisicile pot dezvolta probleme gingivale și vânătăi. De aceea, dinții trebuie să fie curățați o dată pe an de către medici veterinari sau stomatologi de pisici.
Dogs are best friends of the human
Câinii sunt cei mai buni prieteni ai poporului.
They shake their tail if they are happy
Ei își scot coada dacă sunt fericiți.
People believe that 1 human year equals 7 dog years. This is not true. But, One-year-old dog is physically as mature as a 15 year-old human
Oamenii cred că 1 an uman este egal cu 7 ani de câini. Nu este adevarat. Dar, câinele de un an este fizic la fel de matur ca un om de 15 ani.
A dog can hear sounds 200 meters away that most people cannot hear beyond 20 meters
Un câine poate auzi sunete la 200 de metri distanță, încât majoritatea oamenilor nu pot auzi mai mult de 20 de metri.
The United States and France have the most pet dogs. Almost one in three families in these countries owns a dog
Statele Unite și Franța au cei mai mulți câini de companie. Aproape una din trei familii din aceste țări deține un câine