Răspuns :
I agree with the quotation I'd rather be a happy dustman than an unhappy millionaire because for me happiness is free. If I am unhappy with myself, no amount of money can or will bring me happiness.
Firstly, I see life as a journey. So in every stage of our journey, happiness will look different. The big joys of being kids include the early memories of happy playgrounds, discovering new games, running around, being healthy, alive and having our family by our side. While the big joys of being teenagers include the friendships we make, while stepping into adulthood.
Secondly, happiness comes within our souls. If we start putting a price to our happiness, we might as well say that we put a price on our souls. Naturally, ee start getting attached to material things, and money will never feel enough, and happiness will be at risk.
On the other hand, because we are different, we have different views. Furthermore, what makes me happy, might not make the other person happy. So it's a matter of choice how we decide to chase our happiness, whether focusing on enlarging the joys of our souls and ending up being happy dustmen, or enlarging the money in our bank accounts, and ending up being unhappy millionaires. For instance, there is this very popular quote nowadays, which says that money may not bring happiness, but I'd rather cry in a Mercedes. Just different views on life.
In conclusion, we are free to decide what makes us happy. Also, what makes us happy as a kids, might not make us happy as adults. But in the end, the dustman will always be richer than the millionaire, because the soul is endless, while money can be counted.
Eseul de opinie
Este o argumentare care susține puncte de vedere personale. Eseul de opinie trebuie să fie susținut de exemple și trebuie să includă la final un punct de vedere contrar/diferit de al nostru.
Când scriem un eseu de opinie, avem în vedere următoatele aspecte:
- paragraful introductiv în care precizăm clar topicul eseului și opinia noastră: In my opinion, I'd rather be a happy dustman than an unhappy millionaire because for me happiness is free. If I am unhappy with myself, no amount of money can or will bring me happiness.
- corpul principal în care includem 2-4 paragrafe unde se regăsesc argumentele noastre exemplificate: Firstly, I see life as a journey. So in every stage of our journey, happiness will look different. (...) Secondly, happiness comes within our souls. If we start putting a price to our happiness, we might as well say that we put a price on our souls.
- la final, adăugăm un paragraf care trebuie să conțină o opinie diferită de a noastră: On the other hand, because we are different, we have different views. Furthermore, what makes me happy, might not make the other person happy.
- concluzia care reiterează punctul nostru de vedere: In conclusion, we are free to decide what makes us happy. Also, what makes us happy as a kids, might not make us happy as adults. But in the end, the dustman will always be richer than the millionaire, because the soul is endless, while money can be counted.
Cuvinte de legătură
- to state a personal opinion / opinia personală: in my opinion, in my view, I am convinced that, it is my firm belief that, it seems to me that, as far as I am concerned, etc.
- to list arguments / enumerarea argumentelor: firstly, first of all, secondly, thirdly, to begin with, etc.
- to add more points (to the same topic) / pentru a adăuga mai multe argumente: furthermore, in addition to this, moreover, besides this, etc.
- to emphasise a point / a sublinia un punct de vedere: naturally, clearly, indeed, obviously, needless to say, etc.
- to exemplify / a da exemple: for example, for instance.
- to conclude: in conclusion, lastly, all in all, taking everything into account, etc.
Pentru a citi mai multe: https://brainly.ro/tema/12125.
Sperăm că te-am ajutat! Spor :)