a fost răspuns

alcatueste 6 propozitii cu cuvintele:
lazy,sociable.hard-working, brighit,curious,talkative

Răspuns :

Jack is very lazy,
He was sociable yesterday.
He was hard-working.
John is curious by nature.
He is very talkative at school.
Martha is a lazy person.(Martha e o persoanã lenesã). Dogs are sociable animals(câinii sunt animale sociabile). My dad is a hard-working man(tatãl meu e un om care munceste mult). Stars are shining bright at night(noaptea stelele strãlucesc luminos). I'm curious about science(sunt curios în ceea ce priv.stiintele). My teacher told me I shouldn't be talketive during the tedt.(profesorul meu mi-a spus,n-ar trebui sã fiu vorbãret în timpul testului).