Răspuns :
Last weekend I was lucky enough to win a free trip to Predeal with my parents and other two friends of mine. It was one of the best trips I ever had in my life.
On the first day , we woke up at 8 in the morning and went for a walk in the woods. We were lucky that the weather was very good and we got back to the hotel at 6 in the evening . After that long walk we went to get some food at one of the restaurants near the hotel . The food was delicious , and as soon as I got back to the hotel I feel asleep.
The second day was a bit more relaxing , as we went to shop all kinds of home-made gifts . The locals were friendly and kind and I bought gifts for all my friends.After a few hours of shopping it was time to pack my bags and go home.
This was an amazing trip in the mountains , and I hope I will get the chance to visit Predeal again in the winter time.
Weekendul trecut am avut norocul sa castig o excursie gratuita la Predeal cu parintii mei si inca doi amici. A fost una din cele mai frumoase calatorii din viata mea.
In prima zi ne-am trezit la 8 de dimineata si am mers la o plimbare prin padure. Am avut noroc ca vremea a fost foarte frumoasa si ne-am intors la hotel la 6 seara. Dupa acea lunga plimbare , am mers sa mancam ceva la un restaurant in apropierea hotelului. Mancarea a fost delicioasa, iar de indata ce am ajuns inapoi la hotel , am adormit.
A doua zi a fost putin mai relaxanta , mergand sa cumparam cadouri facute manual. Localnicii au fost foarte prietenosi si amabili si am cumparat cadouri pt toti prietenii. Dupa cateva ore de cumparaturi era timpul sa-mi fac bagajele si sa plec spre casa.
Aceasta a fost calatorie minunata la munte si sper sa am sansa sa vizitez Predeal-ul din nou la iarna.
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