a fost răspuns

AJUTA TI MA VA ROG SA STRADUC TEXTUL ASTA IN ENGLEZA "era o seara calduroasa de vara. hoinaream pe malul marii, pierduta in ganduri. in larg, luna veghea cu lumina sa plapanda valurile ce loveau stancile adormite si scoicile care se lasau rasfatate de mangaierea apei. o singura barca se legana pe undele marii. la inceput, nu i am dat importanta, dar apoi a inceput sa se apropie incet de mal. am incercat sa o analizez, insa era greu din cauza luminii slabe, dar am hotarat sa o ignor; era doar o barca, nu mi putea face rau. dupa aceea, am vazut un om ciudat care se plimba pe punte. imi amintisem de povestile cu pirati pe care mi le spunea fratele meu, iar barca semana mult cu o corabie de pirati, asa ca m am speriat si am fugit. dimineata, fratele meu venise cu mine sa i arat barca, care s a dovedit a fi una normala."

Răspuns :

'It was a warm summer evening. I roamed on the seashore, lost in thoughts. in the sea, the moonlight watched the waves of the sleeping rocks and the shells that were left to be spoiled by the water. a single boat wandered on the waves of the sea. at first, I did not pay attention, but then a start to approach the shore. I tried to analyze it, but it was hard for light, but I decided to ignore it; it was just a boat, I could not hurt. after that, I saw a weird man walking on deck. I remembered the pirates' stories my brother told me, and the boat looked like a pirate ship, so she spit on me and fled. In the morning, my brother had come with me to show the boat, which proved to normal one.'

Sper ca te am ajutat :)