
Va rog am nevoie urgent

Va Rog Am Nevoie Urgent class=

Răspuns :

Name: numele tau ill pui acolo
Date of birth: cind teai nascut
Telephone: numarul tau de telefon
Ocupation: Cu ce iti place sa te ocupi
Adrees: Adresa ta

Date of observation: 08.10.2018
Time and place: The park
How long have you seen the object: 2 min
4 nu ill inteleg sorry

a) no it always moved
b) sudenly disapear: Yes
c) gave of smoke: No
d) changed colours: Yes on the bottom of the ship
e) changed shapes : No
f) Droped anything: No

Did anyone else see the object:No
Signature:Semantura ta

Imi pare rau pentru primele dar acolo trebuie sa iti pui datele personale