

Once me and my friends went up to a mount for a festival.
The scenery was really beautiful up there. There were a lot of shops there and the whole place was decorated really well. It was beautiful. There were several performers. We really enjoyed it. When the night came we heard a screams. We got scared. Everyone was was running away, because there were a bear who walked into the festival with her little bear.
The bear was really confused and scared too. The were a lot of noise. Me and my friends ran to the car, and then we drove home really fast.
Later when we were watching the News, we learned, that after the incident the police came and they captured the bear and they brought it back to it's original home.

Răspuns :

Odată ce eu și prietenii mei am urcat la un munte pentru un festival.
Peisajul era foarte frumos acolo. Au fost o mulțime de magazine acolo și întregul loc a fost decorat foarte bine. A fost frumos. Au fost câțiva artiști. Ne-a plăcut cu adevărat. Când a venit noaptea, am auzit un zgomot. Ne-am speriat. Toata lumea se fugea, pentru ca exista un urs care intra in festival cu ursul ei mic.
Ursul a fost chiar confuz și speriat. Au fost multe zgomote. Eu și prietenii mei am alergat la mașină, apoi am mers acasă foarte repede.
Mai târziu, când urmărim Știrile, am aflat că, după incident, poliția a venit și au capturat ursul și l-au adus înapoi în casa lui originală.

Sper ca ti-am fost de ajutor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯