2) Water is essential for life.People can live for weeks without food.But they can only live for a few days without water.The driest place on earth is the Atacama Desert in Chile.This area recives about 0.1 mm of rain per year.Because it is so dry, it is similar to the moon and some parts have been used for scientific experiments.People in other areas have invented ways of 'creating' water.
In one villiage, Chungungo, they have created an sistem of nets.This allows them to collect water from the fog. The system consists of a large net laid on the side of a mountain. As fog passes over the net, water condenses and runs through pipes into the collection area. (nush cât de corecte sunt)
1) She took on- to challenge
People took to- to like somebody when you frist met
It was hard for people to take in- to understand completely
2) take up jogging- to start a new hobby
take back everything- to admit that you were wrong
takes after her mother- to look or behave like an older relative
will take over- to get control and responsibility of something
take a few days off- to have a holiday from work
3) (1) agree
(2) depends
(3) think
(4) about
(5) sure
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