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I get this question a lot in my day to day life and I simply see it as a sign that people start to recognise the need for change. Change for the better and that with the world evolving, we must as well. What I would first change is the transactions put in place for everything you do. For example, the teacher asks me to read a book so that after, I would resume it, make an essay out of it and being rewarded with a grade, right ? The thing is, that after you finish school, even for people in vacations, reading stops being attractive and satisfactory. Why? Because our brains were trained that reading is work, is a chore that you do and you get rewarded and nothing more. However, if we were to change how we see the action of reading, we will have more people engaging in it and more people ready to have the real talks and to have debates. That would spark deep, raw conversations about taboo topics and whatnot. We would start exercising more acceptance towards others and more analysing logically our day to day situations. Not only judging them, jumping the wagon. To teach people from a young age that reading has the reward within itself, just by reading that book you have the possibility to absorb values, and life lessons, and morals, and words you wouldn't have otherwise.