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The British are a nation of video addicts, focused on driving their cars.
They have forsaken the traditional diet of beef and beer in favour of chicken
and lager.
The official handbook of Britain says that over the 50 years since the end
of the Second World War the social situation has become more miserable.
According to the Central Office of Information, the executive agency
responsible for government information and publicity, highlights that the
British are twice as rich as they were at the beginning of the century.
In old days, recessions were different. Before the computer appeared,
recessions were followed by booms and the jobs would always return. Now
they do not.
Britain has changed in more subtle ways as well. When someone talks
about drugs, for example, they are not referring to
A big factor has been the rise in the number of
women, particularly married women, at work. Women
now make up almost half of the workforce. Many of
them have their own businesses and companies.
The eating habits have also changed. Consumption
of beef, lamb, pork, sugar and fat declined dramatically,
while vegetarian food is at its highest. Life expectancy
for men is 79 and 83 for women, up from 49 and
52 respectively since the beginning of the 20th century.
Some things, however, never change. For example,
the inhabitants of these islands still believe that:
“Britain is the worst country in the world to live in
except, of course, for all the others.”

Răspuns :

Britanicii sint o natiune de dependenti video,concentrati pe condusul propriilor masini.Si-au abandonat dieta traditionala formata din carne de vaca si bere,in favoarea carnii de pui si a berii blonde germane.
Ghidul oficial al MARII Britanii arata ca la 50 de ani de la cel de-al doilea razboi mondial,situatia sociala a devenit mai jalnica.
Potrivit Biroului Central de Informatii,agentia executiva responsabila cu informatiile guvernamentale si publice,britanicii sint de doua ori mai bogati decit erau la inceputul secolului,evidentiaza aceasta.
In vremurile trecute recesiunile erau diferite.Inainte de aparitia computerului,recesiunile erau urmate de perioade de dezvoltare,iar slujbele reapareau totdeauna.Acum nu se mai intimpla asa.
Marea Britanie s-a schimbat de asemenea in moduri mult mai subtile.Cind cineva vorbeste despre medicamente(drugs),de exemplu,nu se refera la aspirina.
Un factor major a fost cresterea numarului de femei,in special casatorite,care muncesc.Femeile constituie acum aproape jumatate din forta de munca.Multe au propriile afaceri si companii.
Obiceiurile alimentare s-au schimbat de asemenea.Consumul de carne de vita ,de miel ,de porc,cel de zahar si de grasimi a scazut dramatic,in timp ce alimentatia vegetala este la cele mai inalte cote.
Speranta de viata pentru barbati este de 79 de ani si de 83 pentru femei,de la 49 respectiv 52 cit erau la inceputul secolului 20.
Unele lucruri,totusi,nu se schimba nici o data.De exemplu,locuitorii acestor insule inca cred ca:"Marea Britanie este cea mai rea tara din lume in care sa traiesti,cu exceptia,bineinteles,a tuturor celorlalti.