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34-year-old Dianne Grey was a successful doctor in the south of England,but for the last eight months she has been living in Angola,working for an organisation called Doctors Without Frontiers that provides emergency health care in several African countries.
Dianne was a GP in Horsham,Surrey.She has a good career ahead of her and a comfortable life,but she began to find her job rather boring.She says,”I was treating patients with routine medical problems—colds,sore throats and so on — and I felt a need to do something more important.��
The organisation she works for has been sending medical teams and equipment to Angola since 1986.Various armies have been fighting each oher in the area for decades,and standards of health care have grown worse and worse.Outside the cities there aren’t enough hospitals,clinics,doctors or nurses,and many diseases have become a major problem.
At first Dianne was shocked,but she has been working hard to improve conditions there.During her time in Angola,she has treadet thousands of patients and has been training local people as health care workers.
“Working here has been a very meaningful experience,”she says.”I have never felt so useful before.It’s so great to know that we have been helping people who really need it.”She will be leaving Angola next month,but she has already decided to return to Africa as soon as possible

Răspuns :

In varsta de 34 de ani Dianne Grey a fost un doctor de succes in sudul Angliei, dar pentru ultimele 8 luni ea a trait in Angola, lucrand pentru o organizatie numita Medici fara frontiere ce prevede asistenta medicala de urgenta in mai multe tari africane.

Dianne a fost un scop general in Horsham, Surrey. Ea are o cariera buna inaintea ei si o viata confortabila, dar ea a inceput sa isi gaseasca un serviciu mai degraba plictisitor. Ea spune,"Am trat pacienti cu probleme medicale de rutina- raceala, dureri de gat si asa mai departe - si am simtit nevoia sa fac ceva mult mai important."

Organizatia la care lucreaza a trimis echipe medicale si ci. echipament spre Angola pana in 1986. Armate varioase s-au luptat intre ele in zona de zeci de ani, standardele sanatatii au cresc din ce in ce mai rau. In afara oraselor

nu sunt destule spitale, clinici, medici sau asistente, si multe boli au devenit o problema majora.

Prima data Dianne a fost socata, dar ea a lucrat din greu pentru a imbunatati conditiile de aici. In timpul petrecut in Angola, ea a tratat mii de pacienti si a antrenat localnici ca muncitori in domeniul sanatatii .

"Lucrand aici a fost o experienta semnificativa", spune ea. "Nu m-am simtit niciodata atat de utila inainte. E atat de groazv sa stii ca am ajutat oameni care chiar au avut nevoie." Ea va pkeca in Angola urmatoarea luna, dar ea s-a decis deja sa se reintoarca in Africa cat de repede posbil.