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Când vorbim despre cei 7 ani de acasă ne gândim la educaţia pe care copilul o primeşte de la părinţi, la formarea personalităţii şi comportamentului copilului până merge la şcoală. Când spunem că un copil are cei 7 ani de acasă ne gândim la un copil bine crescut, care ştie să salute, să spună mulţumesc, te rog, care se comportă cuviincios cu cei de vârsta lui şi cu adulţii.
Educaţia, bunele maniere, regulile morale sunt cheia către adaptarea copilului în societate. Un copil manierat se va descurca mult mai bine în relaţiile cu cei din jur decât unul căruia îi lipsesc cei 7 ani de acasă.
"Dar educaţia primită în cei 7 de acasă depinde de câţiva factori: relaţia afectivă dintre copil şi părinţi, specificul de dezvoltare a copilului, valorile pe care se bazează familia şi pe care le transmite copilului"
Baza formării unui comportament corespunzător al copilului este relaţia afectivă cu părinţii. "Dragostea cu care părinţii îşi înconjoară copilul îi permite acestuia să se dezvolte, să aibă încredere în propriile forţe. Copilul iubit de părinţi se simte protejat, îngrijit, iar această idee de siguranţă îi creează deschiderea spre învăţarea şi asumarea regulilor de comportament
De la 3 la 5 ani, copilul începe să fie capabil să împartă jucăriile, îşi dezvoltă simţul binelui şi al răului, este conştient când face un lucru bun sau un lucru rău, observă reacţiile părinţilor în faţa comportamentului său ,apreciază recompensele, dar conştientizează şi semnificaţia pedepsei.
Părinţii sunt modele pentru copil. Degeaba îi spunem copilului să nu mai ţipe prin casă dacă el aude frecvent certuri între părinţi. Sau este ineficient să îi atragem atenţia că nu a spus mulţumesc la magazin dacă în familie nu aude niciodată acest cuvânt.
Cea mai preţioasă recompensă pentru copil nu este cea materială /ci exprimarea mulţumirii şi bucuriei pe care părintele i le arată când face o faptă bună. De aceea, este important să îl lăudăm ori de câte ori se dovedeşte bine crescut. Exprimarea sentimentelor este eficientă şi în administrarea pedepsei. Dezamăgirea, nemulţumirea părintelui, ignorarea dau rezultate mai bune decât o ceartă sau o palmă.


Daca nu puteti tot , macar 40-50% . Dau multumesc si raspuns castigator . Mersi anticipat

Răspuns :

When we talk about the 7 years at home thinking about education that the child receives from parents, personality formation and behavior of the child to attend school. When we say that a child is 7 years of home we think of a well-behaved child who knows how to greet , to say thank you please behave decently with his peers and with adults .Education , manners , moral rules are key to child adjustment in society. Mannered child will do much better in dealing with people than one which lacks 7 years from home ." But education at the 7 home depends on several factors : emotional relationship between child and parents , the specifics of child development , family based values ​​and transmit them to the child"The formation of a child's appropriate behavior is emotional relationship with their parents. " Parents love that surrounds child allows it to grow, to have self-confidence . Parents loved child feels protected , cared for, and this idea certainly creates his openness to learning and taking behavior rulesFrom 3 to 5 years , the child begins to be able to share toys , develop their sense of right and wrong , is aware you do a good thing or a bad thing, observed the reactions of parents in front of his behavior , consider the rewards , but conscious and meaning of the sentence.Parents are role models for children . In vain we call child not to scream the house if he hears frequent fights between parents . Or is inefficient to note that he has not said thank you to the store if the family never hears the word .The most valuable reward for the child is the material / but expression of thanksgiving and joy that parent and show them you do a good deed. Therefore , it is important to praise whenever it proves courteous . Expressing feelings is effective in administering punishment. Disappointment , parent dissatisfaction , ignorance give better results than an argument or a slap .
When we talk about the 7 years at home thinking about education that the child receives from parents, personality formation and behavior of the child to attend school. When we say that a child is 7 years of home we think of a well-behaved child who knows how to greet , to say thank you please behave decently with his peers and with adults .
Education , manners , moral rules are key to child adjustment in society. Mannered child will do much better in dealing with people than one which lacks 7 years from home .
" But education at the 7 home depends on several factors : emotional relationship between child and parents , the specifics of child development , family based values ​​and transmit them to the child"
The formation of a child's appropriate behavior is emotional relationship with their parents. " Parents love that surrounds child allows it to grow, to have self-confidence . Parents loved child feels protected , cared for, and this idea certainly creates his openness to learning and taking behavior rules
From 3 to 5 years , the child begins to be able to share toys , develop their sense of right and wrong , is aware you do a good thing or a bad thing, observed the reactions of parents in front of his behavior , consider the rewards , but conscious and meaning of the sentence.
Parents are role models for children . In vain we call child not to scream the house if he hears frequent fights between parents . Or is inefficient to note that he has not said thank you to the store if the family never hears the word .
The most valuable reward for the child is the material / but expression of thanksgiving and joy that parent and show them you do a good deed. Therefore , it is important to praise whenever it proves courteous . Expressing feelings is effective in administering punishment. Disappointment , parent dissatisfaction , ignorance give better results than an argument or a slap .